New research projects focus on climate risks, flooding and storms

Our support for PhD research projects continues to grow as we welcome three new students to our programme. All of the projects will use modelling techniques and new sources of data to help improve our understanding and mitigation of environmental risks.

From left: Sohaib Imran, Helen Hooker and Luke Jenkins

Sohaib Imran is investigating how we can use Earth observation data to assess and visualise spatial climate risks to businesses or sectors. The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Centre for Global Eco-Innovation based at Lancaster University.

Helen Hooker is working to improve real time flood forecasting models using data assimilation from Earth observation and point data sources. The project is based at the University of Reading and funded by the NERC SCENARIO doctoral training programme.

Luke Jenkins is researching the impact that sequences of storm events have on coasts and the subsequent impact on communities living in the coastal zone.  The project is based at the University of Southampton and funded by the NERC INSPIRE doctoral training programme.

By supporting PhD projects in collaboration with universities and industry partners, we aim to help train new highly skilled researchers and contribute to the scientific evidence used to make decisions that affect the world we live in.

Rob Lamb, Director of JBA Trust, said, “We’re delighted to be working with Sohaib, Helen and Luke and are looking forward to supporting their research, especially given the need to address the challenges we face in responding to climate change risks, flooding and more frequent storm events.   Our support, alongside that of other industry partners at JBA Consulting and the Environment Agency helps to direct the projects, aligns them with real-world applications and provides excellent opportunities for training and skills development.”

You can learn more about how we are helping  postgraduate researchers on our PhD project pages.
