Jim Hall FREng
JBA Trust’s Chair of the Board of Trustees, Jim Hall, is Professor of Climate and Environmental Risks and Director of the Environmental Change Institute at the University of Oxford. His research focuses upon management of climate-related risks in infrastructure systems, in particular relating to flooding, coastal erosion and water scarcity.
Rob Lamb MA PhD
Managing Director Rob Lamb has 20 years’ experience in academic and commercial research and development. He specialises in hydrology and flood risk science, has published work in numerous journals and is co-author of two text books. Since 2008, Rob has been Chief Scientist to the JBA Group, leading JBA’s scientific research and development. In 2013 Rob was made an Honorary Professor at Lancaster University.
Keith Beven FRS
Keith Beven is a Director of the Trust and a Distinguished Professor of Hydrology at Lancaster University, where he worked for 26 years until formally retiring in 2015. His research interests are in risk and uncertainty in environmental modelling, particularly in the areas of rainfall-runoff modelling, flood inundation, flood forecasting, hydrological change, and water quality modelling. He has published 10 books and over 350 scientific papers, and is the most highly-cited expert in his field.
Jeremy Benn FREng
Jeremy is a Director of the Trust and the founder and Chairman of the JBA Group. He has 30 years’ experience of water engineering and hydrology gained from consultancy work in the UK, Ireland, Sri Lanka, Eastern Europe and Australia.
Nick Russell ACIB
Nick is a Director of the Trust. Having gained almost 40 years’ experience in corporate banking he is now an independent financial consultant.
Joanne Coles FRMetS FCIWEM
Jo is a Chartered Scientist and Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society with over 20 years experience working in weather and flood forecasting. As a STEM Learning Ambassador Jo is particularly passionate about the communication of science and encouraging children and young people into STEM subjects and careers.
Peter Jimack FIMA
Peter is Professor of Scientific Computing at the University of Leeds, where he is Director of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Fluid Dynamics. Previously he has held roles including Executive Dean of the Faculty of Engineering (2010-2019) and interim Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Student Education (2020-2021).