Flood hydrology for the next 25 years and beyond

Flood hydrology for the next 25 years and beyond

A flood hydrology roadmap released in March 2022 sets out a vision to help scientists and practitioners better predict future flood events and improve flood resilience across the UK. 
JBA Trust helped in shaping and peer reviewing the roadmap

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Nurturing talent with Lancaster University

Nurturing talent with Lancaster University

Lancaster University’s ‘Nurturing Talent’ programme supports students to get hands-on with the wave tank challenge game, creating new designs for coastal flood resilience and exploring the impact of climate change on coastal communities.

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New Water Safety Centre for Excellence opens at Twickenham Fire Station

New Water Safety Centre for Excellence opens at Twickenham Fire Station

The new centre aims to educate and encourage safe engagement with the River Thames, and is part of the London Fire Bridge’s push on water safety. Our big river flume is being used to show how water behaves in the Thames and how currents can quickly become dangerous.

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Industrial Cadets explore river engineering and ecology

Industrial Cadets explore river engineering and ecology

Industrial Cadets from Yorkshire schools learn how engineered structures, like weirs and culverts, affect the flow and ecology of rivers.

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New toolkit published for coastal change monitoring using satellite observations

New toolkit published for coastal change monitoring using satellite observations

A new toolkit and journal paper are published in ‘Earth Surface Processes and Landforms’ to help predict coastal change

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Student bursaries to support MSc and MRes courses

Student bursaries to support MSc and MRes courses

In partnership with the British Hydrological Society and the Environment Agency, we’re supporting the Studentship Awards Scheme which aims to encourage talented students to develop their academic experience and qualifications in hydrology and water management.

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Trustees Annual Report 2022-23

Trustees Annual Report 2022-23

Our Annual Report reflects on the people and research we have supported and shares the highlights of our charitable activities in 2022-23.

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Ask An ‘Ologist: A Science Outreach Adventure

Ask An ‘Ologist: A Science Outreach Adventure

Sam Hardy, a Meteorologist, took part in a live science outreach event aimed at igniting curiosity and passion among primary school children. The children asked questions about tornadoes, weather forecasting and climate change, and what it’s like to be a Meteorologist!

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Inspiring young minds at the Cardiff TeenTech Festival

Inspiring young minds at the Cardiff TeenTech Festival

Along with 700 students between ages 10-14 and their teachers, we attended TeenTech Festival at the All Nations Centre in Cardiff in December 2023.

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Making mountains in Kendal!

Making mountains in Kendal!

Visitors to the Kendal Mountain Festival had fun making their own mountains in our augmented reality sandbox.

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Learning between the generations: 40 years of the British Hydrological Society

Learning between the generations: 40 years of the British Hydrological Society

A celebration of the 40th anniversary of the British Hydrological Society brought together people from academia, consultancy and operational hydrology to reflect on the progress in hydrological research and practice, look forward to current and emerging initiatives and celebrate the increasing diversity in hydrology.

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