JBA Trust Annual Report 2015-16

Our education and research activities in 2015-16

We are delighted to share the JBA Trust Annual Report 2015-16 which outlines our activities to enhance understanding and management of risks in the water environment.

JBA Trust 2015-16 infographic

This year, our new demonstration models have helped us support more public events than ever, whilst our commitment to high quality research and knowledge exchange helped us contribute scientific advice to government.  We also continued our support for postgraduate training and research through sponsorship of MSc and PhD students, with some exciting new projects starting this year.

All the outputs of our research are freely available on our website and include posters, reports, data, code, tutorials and teaching resources.

Rob Lamb, Director of the JBA Trust said:

“With five years now behind us, I am delighted to see our earlier research projects reaching publication stage, including our own independent research and collaborations with academic partners.

We would like to thank all the organisations and individuals who have worked with us, not least the students and early career researchers who we have been able to support.

We are grateful for the continued commitment to funding the JBA Trust from the JBA Group companies and their Directors”.

