Climate and Nature Action in Education

Education settings, including nurseries, schools and colleges, play a critical role in driving action to address climate change.

The Climate Ambassadors initiative offers every education setting in England free access to volunteer support to develop and deliver impactful climate action plans.

Funded by the Department for Education and led by the University of Reading and the EAUC, the programme supports the UK Government’s ambition for all education settings to have a climate action plan (CAP) in place by 2025.

There are four key areas in a CAP: decarbonisation; adaptation and resilience; biodiversity; and climate education and green careers.

In September, we supported the Climate Ambassadors ‘Climate and Nature Action in Education’ event at the Great North Museum in Newcastle.

We demonstrated how models like our wave tank can be used in different education settings to explore the impacts of climate change and how we can adapt and make our communities more resilient to flood risk, sea-level rise and extreme weather events.

