Sixth form students learn about flood risk management

On Friday 9th December sixth form students from Priestley College in Warrington visited their local Environment Agency office to learn about flood risk management.

JBA Trust supported the event by providing demonstrations of our interactive augmented reality sandbox. The model was used to demonstrate different flood risk management practices and it helped inspire the students to design their own flood defence schemes.

Andrew Fielding from JBA Consulting commented, “The students learnt a lot and gained a greater appreciation of the difficulties surrounding flood risk planning and mitigation.”

Ian Perkins from the Environment Agency added, “The sandbox allowed the students to understand the impact of the hydraulic concepts and flood mitigation measures that they had been studying during the week. In one session we created a representation of a particular flood risk management scheme that they had been studying as part of their project. Using the sandbox for this increased the engagement of the groups and allowed them to quickly see the effects of their proposed inventions. It helped bring the project to life.”
