MSc student bursaries – APPLY NOW!
The JBA Trust is delighted to continue our support for the MSc Studentship Award Scheme, now in its fourth year, in partnership with the British Hydrological Society.
The award scheme supports potential MSc students wishing to pursue development of their academic experience and qualifications in hydrology and catchment management.
The closing date is 15 August 2014. Applications should be made using the dedicated online application website:
Candidates will need to upload the following information:
- Contact details
- Details of tertiary education
- Details of the proposed MSc course
- Any prizes or awards already received
- A personal statement of up to 250 words stating why the applicant wishes to undertake the course and the significance of receiving funding from the BHS/JBA Trust
- Two references, preferably at least one from an academic.
For more information about support for MSc students please visit our bursaries and scholarships pages