Publications and resources: Risk Analysis

We aim to make the outputs of all our research freely available and easily accessible.  Resources produced by JBA Trust are available in a wide range of different formats, including posters, reports, data, code, tutorials and teaching resources.

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British Chronology of Flash Floods

This page hosts a database listing flash flood events in the UK derived from historical reports dating back over more than 200 years.

Leaky barrier retention times for Natural Flood Management interventions

This tool provides a quick and accessible analysis that can support modelling of leaky barriers across different levels of detail, from simple site assessment through to intermediate or detailed models

A risk-based network analysis of distributed in-stream leaky barriers for flood risk management

This network model highlights the need for robust design of nature-based flood risk measures and allows rapid assessment of the whole-system performance of leaky barriers in real stream networks.

Journal Paper

A semantic approach to enable data integration for the domain of flood risk management

This paper explores how flood risk management can utilise the exponential increase in ‘big’data’ generated by a range of sources including satellites, mobile phones, ground-based sensors and citizen science. It proposes approaches to collate, integrate and query data from unstructured and disparate data sources.

Podcast: Rethinking flood risk data

In this podcast, Professor Rob Lamb explores how digital technologies can support flood risk management

Analysis of local authority areas where planting trees could help reduce flood risk

Analysis of local authority areas where different types of tree planting (floodplain, riparian, wider catchment) could help reduce flood risk

What data, evidence and modelling is needed to develop a catchment strategy?

This report aims to help identify the data and modelling needs, and the robustness of evidence, for developing Natural Flood Management strategies in the Skell catchment to reduce flood and sediment risks.

Bridge scour: Fragility and risk analysis

Professor Rob Lamb, Director of JBA Trust, provides an update on our collaborative research with the Infrastructure Transitions Research Consortium (ITRC) team at Oxford University.

Multi-objective flood risk management demonstration project

The JBA Trust supported the Holnicote Project with a position paper on rural land management change.

Tools and guidance for covariate analysis of flood and wave threshold exceedances

This NERC funded project aimed to transfer advances in statistics to flood risk science.

Flood and scour related failure incidents at railway assets

We have published a consolidated chronology of railway asset failures relating to flooding for the period 1846 to 2013. The most common failure mechanism was found to be the undermining of abutments or piers by scour, resulting in their collapse.

How well do flood defence models match reality? A Comparison of Actual Fluvial Embankment Flood Defence Performance to RASP Estimated Performance

MSc project poster – a summary of the research carried out by Janie Haven for her MSc in Water and Environmental Management at the University of Bristol.

Improving statistical models of large scale flood events: Project outputs

A poster, presentation and workshop resources from the research carried out by Ross Towe.

Flood resilience in a changing environment: what do recent reviews tell us?

Flood risk and resilience have been under review in recent years, following severe flooding in 2013/14 and 2015/16, previous flood events and concerns over changes in physical and economic climates. This talk examines some important governmental and technical reviews, discussing scientific themes that run through them: The National Flood Resilience Review (September 2016) House of […]

A national perspective on the probability of extreme river flows

The Government’s 2016 National Flood Resilience Review[1] (NFFR) found that “while the probability of an extreme river flow that could result in a severe flood at any given location is very small, such flows are not unusual when considering the whole country”. This statement was one of the conclusions of the Scientific Advisory Group (SAG) [...]

Risk based analysis of small scale, distributed, nature-based flood risk management measures deployed on river networks

The environmental community team up with mathematicians to tackle the challenge of understanding the risks associated with nature-based flood risk management measures deployed on river networks.

Infrastructure network risk analysis: scour at railway bridges

New paper reports a probabilistic analysis of the risk to the British railway network from scour at bridges.

Vulnerability of bridges to scour: insights from an international expert elicitation workshop

An international expert elicitation workshop provides new insights into the vulnerability of UK bridges to scour

How well do flood defence models match reality?

The JBA Trust worked with MSc student Janie Haven to compare national flood risk assessment models with real flood events.
