Journal paper

Statistical techniques for estimating directional ocean waves

Statistical techniques for estimating directional ocean waves

Published research by Jake Grainger explores statistical techniques that better utilise ocean buoy data to help characterise the ocean wavefield.

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The temporal clustering of storm surge, wave height and high sea level exceedances around the UK coastline

The temporal clustering of storm surge, wave height and high sea level exceedances around the UK coastline

Luke Jenkins publishes research in ‘Natural Hazards’ that provides evidence for the prevalence of consecutive storms, big waves or high tide events occurring over a short period of time (known as clustering) around the UK.

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VedgeSat: An automated, open-source toolkit for coastal change monitoring using satellite-derived vegetation edges

VedgeSat: An automated, open-source toolkit for coastal change monitoring using satellite-derived vegetation edges

Freya Muir publishes her research in ‘Earth Surface Processes and Landforms’ as well as an open-source tool for mapping coastal change, known as VedgeSat.

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How effective are leaky dams at reducing the downstream flood peak?

How effective are leaky dams at reducing the downstream flood peak?

Two papers published in the Journal of Hydrology explore how to quantify the impacts of natural flood management (NFM), specifically leaky dams in upland catchments, on the downstream flood peak magnitude. 

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Characteristics of ‘abrupt wave front’ floods

Characteristics of ‘abrupt wave front’ floods

New research explores events in northern England where river water levels rise very rapidly and are extremely hazardous to river users.

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UK Flood Hydrology Roadmap

UK Flood Hydrology Roadmap

The flood hydrology roadmap sets out a vision to help scientists and practitioners across the UK better predict future flood events and improve flood resilience across the UK. 

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Improving forecast flood maps using earth observation data

Improving forecast flood maps using earth observation data

In this article, we explore the importance of earth observation (EO) data for identifying flood extents and how a new method for validating flood maps enables a quantitative, location specific measure of flood map accuracy

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Estimating the parameters of ocean wave spectra

Estimating the parameters of ocean wave spectra

Understanding the characteristics of wind-generated waves is important for modelling structural responses in ocean engineering. This paper explores statistical techniques to improve the understanding of estimated parameters of wind-generated waves and help oceanographers gain insights into their behaviour.

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A semantic approach to enable data integration for the domain of flood risk management

A semantic approach to enable data integration for the domain of flood risk management

This paper explores how flood risk management can utilise the exponential increase in ‘big’data’ generated by a range of sources including satellites, mobile phones, ground-based sensors and citizen science. It proposes approaches to collate, integrate and query data from unstructured and disparate data sources.

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A risk-based network analysis of distributed in-stream leaky barriers for flood risk management

A risk-based network analysis of distributed in-stream leaky barriers for flood risk management

This network model highlights the need for robust design of nature-based flood risk measures and allows rapid assessment of the whole-system performance of leaky barriers in real stream networks.

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