Enhanced surface water flood forecasts: User-led development and testing

This paper, published in the Journal of Flood Risk Management, explores the development and trial of new surface water flood (SWF) forecast products in a flood incident workshop. The workshop focused on a SWF case study in the Garforth area of Leeds, Yorkshire on 22 August 2015.  The study makes recommendations to guide the development and application of future SWF forecast information and processes.


Birch, CERabb, BLBöing, SJ, et al. Enhanced surface water flood forecasts: User-led development and testingJ Flood Risk Management202114:e12691. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfr3.12691

Funding information

This study was conducted as part of the Yorkshire Integrated Catchment Solutions Programme (iCASP, NERC Grant: NE/PO11160/1). JBA Trust are a Springboard Partner in iCASP.
