Urban flood modelling

Working with Newcastle University, we compared surface water flooding models with ‘crowd sourced’ evidence of the flooding in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne during the ‘Toon Monsoon’ of 2012.

The city of Newcastle-upon-Tyne in North East England flooded on 28 June 2012 during intense summer storms, known locally as the ‘Toon Monsoon’.

Newcastle University collected evidence about the depth of flood water in the city and this unique data set allowed us to test models for surface water flooding.

The JBA Trust worked with students at Newcastle University, Robert Bertsch and Marion Duprez, and their supervisor, Vedrana Kutija, to investigate ”Real time 2D urban flood forecasting” and ”How good are ‘broad-scale’ models of urban flooding?”

Marion’s work also generated an animation within a Flood Early Warning System (Delft-FEWS created by Deltares) using a JFlow-FEWS adaptor. JFlow is a 2D flood model and the adaptor enables flood extents to be visualised in real time.

This animation shows surface water flooding in Newcastle city centre (about a 13km2 model domain at 2m resolution). The event shown is the June 2012 ‘Toon Monsoon’, using observed rainfall Radar as the input to the JFlow model.


Who we are working with

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